colors: 7 color models (RGB, HSB, Lab, HLS, CMYK, CMY and LMS) 3 visual models (cartesian coordinate, color wheel and color ring) 5 palette formats (Adobe, Microsoft, CSV, HTML and Arta) 4 color models of color wheel (RGB, RBY, ITTEN and custom) 4 color formats (HTML, Delphi, C++ and Basic) 4 ways to mix colors 7 images for color mixing 70 preview images get colors from screen get palette from screen color clipboard viewer images: 5 image formats (PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP and TIFF) 3 innings to capture images from the screen (screenshot, windowshot and custom area) simple image editing (rotate, flip, resize and crop) one click to publish image via the Internet one click to print image image clipboard viewer
7 color models (RGB, HSB, Lab, HLS, CMYK, CMY and LMS) 4 color models of color wheel (RGB, RBY, ITTEN and custom) 4 ways to mix colors image clipboard viewer
Arta - universal assistant for programmers and designers. Arta allows you to quickly find a harmonious palette for your site or product. Also Arta useful for those who often have to work with images and share them via the Internet.
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